Biological Substances
Transportation Development Group (TDG) LLC was hired by the East African Community (EAC), headquarted in Arusha, Tanzania, to train multi-national personnel on the proper shipping of the Ebola Virus, other pathogens and support equipment for their mobile labs. These clinical laboratories are being deployed in the field in the six EAC nations: Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and South Sudan.
The goal of this deployment of mobile labs is to interdict the possible flow of the Ebola Virus from West African into East Africa. Specimens have to be collected and shipped for advanced analytics at laboratories around the world. The job of our company, TDG LLC, was to provide dangerous goods training to representatives from these nations in the proper shipment of these samples according to the international dangerous goods regulations. TDG LLC trained representatives from each EAC nation at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha Tanzania. Additional personnel are being trained using customized infectious substances online dangerous goods training.